Unlocking the Potential of Gamification in Adult Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis

Researchers Fei Ping Por, Christina Sook Beng Ong, Siew Keow Ng, and Arathai Din Eak have conducted a bibliometric analysis to evaluate the evolution of gamification in adult learning. Published in Interactive Technology and Smart Education on 4 June 2024, the study offers insights into past, present, and future trends in integrating gamification within learner-centred pedagogies to enhance adult learning engagement.

The research aims to address the challenges adult learners face, including low retention rates due to work commitments, family obligations, and financial pressures. Gamification, grounded in the psychological theory of self-determination, has been identified as a key approach to intrinsically motivate learners and improve engagement.

The study analysed publications on gamification and adult learning from 2014 to 2022 using data retrieved from Dimensions. Out of an initial 79,864 publications, 3,469 were selected for final analysis. The researchers utilised VOSviewer for bibliographic coupling, keyword co-occurrence, clustering, and co-citation analysis to identify publication trends and research gaps.

  • The volume of publications on gamification in adult learning peaked in 2020 and has since decreased, indicating potential saturation in developed countries such as the USA, UK, and China, which have similar levels of national income and technological advancement.
  • Developing countries, including Malaysia, show promising growth in this area, driven by government investments in education, technology, and lifelong learning initiatives.
  • The study highlights a significant research gap in the relationship between gamification, adult learning, and personality traits, suggesting opportunities for future exploration.

The findings underscore the importance of gamification in addressing the unique challenges of adult learners, such as low engagement and retention. By identifying under-researched areas, this study provides a roadmap for future investigations into personalised and learner-centred gamification strategies.

This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically:

  • SDG 4: Quality Education
  • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
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