Engineering & Built Environment


Sekiranya anda yakin untuk melanjutkan kerjaya dalam bidang kejuruteraan, anda tidak perlu menunggu sehingga tamat sekolah untuk memulakan persiapan memasuki program ini. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang boleh laksanakan di peringkat sekolah untuk  mempersiapkan diri menceburi bidang kejuruteraan. Tahukah anda, pengalaman yang dilalui di sekolah ini juga boleh dikira sebagai faktor penerimaan masuk ke program kejuruteraan...
Something cool is coming to SEGi soon! We will be introducing a sophisticated Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Lab, especially for the engineering students. What is it? Well, an AGV is a programmable mobile machine that functions like a vehicle that moves materials from one place to another in a storage or manufacturing facility. Think along...
Engineering is a field with diverse disciplines. Choosing an engineering discipline can be tough but it depends on your level of interest and passion. If you’re unsure, this article can provide you with some guidance. According to an Engineering Blog, the world of engineering was initially categorised based on four major branches, namely, Mechanical, Chemical,...
Jurutera awam merancang, dan menyelia projek-projek pembinaan. Seorang jurutera awam juga mewujudkan, memperbaiki dan melindungi alam sekitar. Mereka merancang, merekabentuk dan mengawasi pembinaan dan penyelenggaraan struktur bangunan dan infrastruktur, seperti jalan raya, lapangan terbang, jambatan, empangan, projek pengairan, loji, serta sistem air dan pembetungan. Mereka juga merekabentuk dan membina bangunan tinggi yang sesuai untuk semua...
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” – Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. As the world is moving towards the fourth industrial revolution, it is without a doubt...
The ongoing Industrial Revolution 4.0 has an impact on the discipline of architecture. as well. From changes in employment and definition of skills and work strategies to construction management and green energy production, everything is being redefined with the Industrial Revolution 4.0. There have been severe innovations in the field such as Rapid Prototyping, Augmented...
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