Cultural Connections – Bridging Borders and Minds

During a vibrant month-long summer camp at SEGi University in Malaysia, 26 Korean students were immersed in a dynamic programme to boost their English proficiency and foster a deeper connection with Malaysian culture. This extraordinary experience offered the students a holistic educational journey that blended rigorous academic lessons with immersive cultural activities while aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The camp’s schedule was meticulously crafted to optimise learning and participation. Mornings were dedicated to intensive English language classes, where students engaged with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation under the guidance of skilled educators. These sessions prioritised interactive learning methods like role-plays, group discussions, and multimedia tools to ensure effective and engaging learning experiences.

Afternoons were dedicated to cultural immersion activities, with students exploring significant cultural and historical landmarks across Malaysia, participating in traditional craft workshops, and mastering Malaysian culinary delights through cooking classes. These activities entertained and provided practical opportunities for students to apply their language skills in authentic scenarios, promoting real-world language use.

The programme also facilitated interactions between Korean students and their Malaysian counterparts, fostering cultural exchange and enabling informal English practice. This intercultural engagement enriched their educational journey broadened their global perspectives and supported the SDG of Quality Education. Accommodation on SEGi University’s campus offered students a glimpse into Malaysian university life, fostering independence and self-reliance.

By the camp’s conclusion, the students had not only honed their English language skills but also forged enduring friendships and developed a profound appreciation for Malaysian culture. This blend of language education and cultural immersion made their experience at SEGi University truly transformative, aligning with the SDGs of Quality Education and Partnerships for the Goals.


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