Empower Young Engineers Through Innovation

SEGi University’s commitment to bridging educational gaps and promoting sustainable development was exemplified in the recent engineering fair, “Ideas to Reality: The Power of Engineering [Phase 2],” by Dr. Priyadatchini Karunakaran. The event, held on 10 August 2024, was a key part of the MPU3432 Co-Curriculum: Sustainability Thinking course, aimed at inspiring young minds from SMK Sitiawan, Perak, to explore the exciting world of engineering.

During the event, Year 1 and Year 2 engineering students from SEGi’s Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment, and Information Technology (FOEBEIT) showcased innovative projects to introduce the attending secondary students to practical engineering concepts. From hydraulic systems to drawbridges controlled by Arduino sensors, the projects demonstrated the real-world application of engineering principles and sparked interest among the young attendees.

The fair not only provided hands-on learning experiences but also aligned with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Quality Education (SDG 4), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), and Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11). The event successfully met its objectives by fostering collaboration, enhancing communication skills, and promoting sustainable engineering practices and received positive feedback from the school students.

The initiative highlighted SEGi University’s proactive role in community engagement and its dedication to nurturing the next generation of engineers. Such efforts underscore SEGi’s broader mission of providing quality education and preparing students to contribute to a sustainable future.

This event is organised in support of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
SDG 4 (Quality Education)
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)

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