An insightful talk titled “Exploration of Manufacturing Processes and Technology in Real Industry” was delivered by Ir. Phoon Sin Ye, a distinguished former lecturer and seasoned industry professional, on 23rd October 2024. Hosted by the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology (FOEBEIT), the session provided a valuable opportunity for attendees to gain firsthand knowledge of the mechanical engineering profession and its practical applications.
Drawing on her extensive experience, Ir. Phoon offered a comprehensive overview of various manufacturing processes and cutting-edge technologies employed in today’s engineering landscape. She shared valuable insights into the challenges and innovations driving the industry, emphasizing the pivotal role mechanical engineers play in developing efficient and sustainable production systems.
A key focus of the talk was to broaden awareness of the diverse career pathways available within mechanical engineering. Ir. Phoon highlighted the discipline’s versatility and its relevance across a range of sectors, including product design, production lines, assembly operations, and robotics. She also underscored the importance of adaptability and multidisciplinary skills in navigating the rapidly evolving industry.
Real-life case studies and anecdotes from Ir. Phoon’s career captivated the audience and illustrated the significance of problem-solving, teamwork, and continuous learning in the workplace. She offered practical advice on preparing for industry roles, such as pursuing internships, developing technical skills, and engaging in professional networking.
The engaging Q&A session allowed for direct interaction with Ir. Phoon, who inspired attendees with her approachable demeanour and thoughtful responses. The talk proved to be a resounding success, providing valuable guidance and motivation to aspiring engineers.
This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically:
- SDG 4: Quality Education
- SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure