4 cool traits you can pick up from an F&B job

Hospitality and Tourism can be an exciting and demanding industry. For those who love the challenges of irregular hours, meeting and interacting with all types of people, travelling and experimenting, this industry can teach you plenty of things. Besides a rewarding career, the industry can also fast track your growth and development in the industry. There are various branches that you can explore in the hospitality and tourism sector. One of them is Food and Beverage (F&B). Here are 4 amazing traits you can pick up from an F&B job.

  1. Amazing Adaptability

It’s a crazy field but in a good way. This field will turn you into a super flexible professional because you will meet all kinds of people with 10 different needs. Efficient F&B practitioners will know how to customise their services to meet the different needs of their customers. Since business is dependent on customer demands and global trends, an F&B outlet has to be on top of its game in adapting to these demands and trends.

2. Great People Skills

Some people are fickle and some are picky and then, there are some who are highly gracious and appreciative. Different people need to be managed differently and unlike an office environment where all employees generally share a common goal, the F&B field is a mishmash of a culture where you get to meet people from different backgrounds and expectations. This will undoubtedly improve your communication and people management skills.

3. Awesome Team Spirit

This is a field where you can never work alone. If you’re not a team player, then the F&B field is probably not for you. A well-rated hotel or restaurant’s kitchen can be chaotic during peak periods but an excellent team synergy ensures that all orders are managed accordingly. From front-desk managers to waiters and chefs, team communication and team spirit are among the key elements that make up the great customer experience. Your guests can certainly feel a good team synergy and are likely to boast about your service quality to others.

4. Quick Decision-Making


Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Orders get changed, customers become fussy and then there are good business days and bad business days. Either way, as an F&B practitioner, time is never on our side and decisions needs to made efficiently and quickly such as what can be changed or done to attract customers during a lull period or how can you innovate to suit your customer base before your competitors beat you to it and more. Decision-making doesn’t come easily to many but it’s an important trait to cultivate if you see yourself becoming a business leader someday.

SEGi’s School of Hospitality and Tourism offers a double degree in Bachelor of Hospitality Management with the University of Central Lancashire, UK; Diploma in Hotel Management, Diploma in Culinary Arts and Diploma in Restaurant Management. Log in to segi.edu.my or segiuniversity.edu.my for more details.

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