800 Students Engage at SEGi Career Fair 2024

The SEGi Career and Internship Fair 2024 showcased SEGi University’s commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Held in collaboration with Talentbank on 13 March 2024, the event attracted over 30 participating companies and approximately 800 local and international students. This significant turnout underscored SEGi’s reputation as a leading institution that fosters career readiness and employability among its students.

The fair provided an invaluable platform for students to gain insights into their future career prospects. With representatives from diverse industries present, students could engage directly with potential employers, learn about various career paths, and understand the skills and qualifications required in the current job market. According to the International Labour Organization, youth unemployment rates have been a persistent global issue, making initiatives like this crucial in bridging the gap between education and employment.

One of the event’s highlights was two professional bodies offering resume clinics and AI career coaching. These services enhanced students’ career readiness by providing personalised feedback on their resumes and leveraging AI technology to offer tailored career advice. Such initiatives align with the World Economic Forum’s recommendations on using technology to improve career services and employability.

The participation of over 30 companies not only provided students with a wide range of employment opportunities but also allowed employers to scout and recruit potential talent directly from SEGi University. This direct engagement is vital in ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the workforce and can meet the demands of the ever-evolving job market. According to Talentbank’s graduate employability report, SEGi graduates are highly regarded by employers for their readiness and adaptability in professional environments.

SEGi University’s collaboration with Talentbank and the professional bodies exemplifies the institution’s dedication to providing quality education and promoting decent work and economic growth. By equipping students with the necessary tools and opportunities to succeed, SEGi University plays a pivotal role in shaping the future workforce. The event’s success reflects SEGi’s broader mission to contribute positively to society while fostering an environment of learning and growth.

The SEGi Career and Internship Fair 2024 is a testament to the university’s ongoing efforts to support its students’ career aspirations and ensure their successful transition from academia to the professional world. By aligning with the United Nations’ SDGs, SEGi University not only enhances its academic and employer reputation but also sets a benchmark for other institutions to follow in promoting sustainable development and economic growth.

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