Career Talk Bridges Education and Industry Gaps

SEGi University continues demonstrating its commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, by hosting impactful events bridging the gap between education and industry. On 3 April 2024, in partnership with Kakimotor and Liqui Moly, SEGi University held a Career Talk titled “A Talk with Liqui Moly – The Technology Behind Liqui Moly Solutions for Vehicle Maintenance” at Auditorium A. This event gave students invaluable insights into the automotive and lubricants industries, enhancing their career readiness and technical knowledge.

The Career Talk attracted many students eager to learn about the cutting-edge solutions developed by Liqui Moly to enhance vehicle performance and longevity. Liqui Moly, a leader in automotive lubricants, shared their innovative approaches to vehicle maintenance, providing students with practical tips and tricks to extend the lifespan of their vehicles. According to the International Energy Agency, regular maintenance and efficient vehicle operation can significantly reduce carbon emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability (IEA, 2021).

Students were given the unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of automotive technology, exploring the science behind advanced lubricants and their impact on vehicle efficiency. This hands-on learning experience aligns with SEGi University’s focus on practical education, ensuring that students are well-equipped with the skills needed in the rapidly evolving automotive sector. The International Labour Organization highlights that bridging the skills gap is crucial for economic growth and employment, making events like these essential for student development (ILO, 2021).

The collaboration with Kakimotor and Liqui Moly underscores SEGi University’s dedication to forging strong industry partnerships that benefit students and the wider community. By providing a platform for industry leaders to share their expertise, SEGi ensures that its students are exposed to real-world applications of their academic knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of their chosen fields. Such initiatives also support SDG 8 by promoting decent work and economic growth through enhanced employability and industry readiness.

SEGi University’s proactive approach to integrating industry insights into its educational programmes reflects its broader mission to contribute positively to society while fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth. The Career Talk not only enriched the students’ academic experience but also showcased SEGi’s role as a leading institution dedicated to producing highly skilled and knowledgeable graduates.

By hosting events that connect students with industry experts, SEGi University enhances its academic reputation and sets a benchmark for other institutions in promoting sustainable development and quality education. The successful execution of the Career Talk with Liqui Moly and Kakimotor highlights SEGi’s commitment to aligning its educational initiatives with the United Nations’ SDGs, reinforcing the university’s position as a beacon of excellence and social responsibility.

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