SEGi and Target Direction: Building Future-Ready Graduates

SEGi University and Colleges is excited to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Target Direction Sdn Bhd, marking a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering strong partnerships between academia and industry. This collaboration, initiated in Q2 of 2024, aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing our students with invaluable hands-on experiences.

The MoU, signed by Ms Stella Lau, Managing Director of SEGi University and Colleges & K-12, and Ms Jasemaine Gan, Director of Marketing & Business Development at Target Direction, underscores SEGi’s dedication to enhancing the educational journey of our students. Through this partnership, SEGi students will engage in a variety of activities and projects within the hospitality manufacturing and service industry, particularly focusing on marketing and branding. These opportunities are designed to equip our students with both soft and practical skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for their professional careers upon graduation.

This collaboration is a key component of our “Industry into Classroom” initiative, where students learn hands-on what truly matters in the industry. By integrating real-world industry experiences into our curriculum, SEGi provides students with a head start in their careers, ensuring they transition seamlessly into the professional world as value-added, professional, and workforce-ready individuals.

Our collaboration with Target Direction is driven by the shared goal of creating value-added, professional, and workforce-ready individuals. By integrating real-world industry experiences into our curriculum, SEGi is committed to providing a comprehensive education that goes beyond the classroom. This partnership not only enhances the employability of our graduates but also aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Mr Edward Low, Director of Outreach and Partnership at SEGi University and Colleges, has been a key figure in establishing this momentous partnership. His efforts reflect SEGi’s ongoing dedication to building sustainable and impactful industry relationships.

This MoU represents a significant milestone for SEGi University and Colleges, reaffirming our position as a leading institution committed to excellence in education and industry engagement. We look forward to a fruitful and enduring partnership with Target Direction, creating meaningful learning experiences for our students and contributing positively to the industry.

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