SEGi University Champions Wellness with Dynamic Fitness Event

The Wellbeing & Support Committee of the Faculty of Business, Accountancy & Law (FOBAL) at SEGi University & Colleges recently organised a dynamic demonstration of the 360˚ TitaniUM Core Strength Exercise®, a cutting-edge fitness experience aimed at invigorating mind, body, and spirit. Led by the esteemed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Boon Hooi, this event was a perfect blend of physical challenge and mental rejuvenation, showcasing SEGi’s commitment to holistic wellness.

Held in the spacious Lecture Room 11.07 in SEGi Tower, the event saw a diverse group of staff and students eagerly participating. Dr. Lim guided the attendees through invigorating movements and empowering exercises, creating an atmosphere charged with energy and enthusiasm. Participants engaged in dynamic core-strengthening routines and mindful breathing exercises, each designed to foster personal growth and transformation, leaving everyone feeling empowered and revitalised.

The benefits of core strength exercises are well-documented. According to the Mayo Clinic, strong core muscles improve balance and stability, which is crucial for daily activities and sports (Mayo Clinic, 2021). This event underscored these benefits, aligning seamlessly with Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. By promoting healthy living practices, SEGi University is fostering a culture of wellness within its community, echoing global health objectives.

Statistics show that regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The World Health Organization reports that at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers (WHO, 2020). SEGi’s initiative is a proactive step towards embedding these health benefits into the daily lives of its community members.

This event is a testament to SEGi’s dedication to not only academic excellence but also the overall well-being of its students and staff. The 360˚ TitaniUM Core Strength Exercise® demonstration was more than just a fitness session; it was an inspiring journey towards a healthier, more vibrant future for everyone involved.

SEGi University continues to stand as a beacon of holistic wellness, ensuring that the principles of good health and well-being are deeply integrated into its ethos. By providing such transformative experiences, SEGi is leading the way in fostering a supportive and healthy academic environment. The success of this event highlights the power of collective action in promoting a culture of wellness and vitality.

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