SEGi University Spearheads Financial Literacy Drive to Empower Youth

SEGi University recently held a Seminar on Financial Freedom for Youth: Unlocking Young Minds on Financial Literacy, on the 18 April 2024. This seminar was a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Education, Languages, Psychology, and Music (FOELPM) and the Faculty of Business, Accounting, and Management (FOBAM).

The esteemed Prof. Dr. Geetha Subramaniam led the seminar to address pressing issues related to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities). Focusing on financial literacy, the event targeted undergraduate and postgraduate students from non-finance backgrounds, offering invaluable financial planning and management insights.

Distinguished speakers, including Puan Pavani Kasi and Dr. Kartigesu Sivalingam, illuminated the current statistics and challenges surrounding indebtedness. Prof. Dr. Catherine S. F. Ho, alongside other esteemed moderators, facilitated engaging discussions, empowering participants to take charge of their financial futures.

The collaboration between SEGi University and Persatuan Siswazah Wanita Malaysia (PSWM) underscored a shared commitment to equip youth with essential financial skills. Through informative sessions and expert guidance, participants gained a deeper understanding of financial planning, paving the way for a more financially resilient and empowered generation.

Highlighting the event’s significance, Prof. Dr. Teh Geok Bee, Vice-Chancellor of SEGi University, emphasised the university’s dedication to nurturing socially responsible individuals. With 300 participants, including PSWM Exco & Members, SEGi University Lecturers, and students from various faculties, the seminar marked a pivotal step towards reducing debt, insolvency, and social problems among Malaysia’s youth.

SEGi University’s unwavering commitment to advancing the SDGs through impactful initiatives like the Seminar on Financial Freedom for Youth reaffirms its position as a holistic education and social responsibility leader.


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