SEGi University’s First Aid Efforts Save the Day

SEGi University demonstrated its commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing essential first aid services during a children’s camp at Sacred Heart Hall, Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) St. Rita, Sibu. This event, organised in collaboration with SK St. Rita and the Holy Trinity Covenant Community, showcased SEGi’s dedication to promoting good health and well-being, aligning with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

The children’s camp aimed to foster community spirit and provide a safe, educational environment for the young participants. SEGi University’s first aid team, led by esteemed supervisors Dr. Soe Min Htut and Assoc Prof Dr Mi Mi Khaing, ensured the safety and well-being of all attendees. The morning shift was supervised by Dr. Soe Min Htut, supported by Matron Julia Anak Ikau, Sreemathi Kirubakaran, Ankaer Aikebaer, and Nadia Bt Mohd Nadzri. The afternoon shift was overseen by Assoc Prof Dr Mi Mi Khaing, with Matron Julia Anak Ikau, Ankaer Aikebaer, Ng Wei Fong, and Nicole Ting Pei Sing providing dedicated care.

The event’s success was a testament to SEGi University’s commitment to community engagement and health promotion. According to the World Health Organization, effective first aid services are crucial in reducing mortality and morbidity rates during emergencies (WHO, 2021). SEGi’s involvement not only highlighted the university’s expertise in healthcare education but also its proactive approach to supporting local communities.

Throughout the day, the first aid team attended to various needs, ensuring a safe and enriching experience for the children. Their presence underscored the importance of preparedness and quick response in emergencies, a key aspect of SEGi’s comprehensive educational approach. The camp also provided the first aiders a valuable hands-on learning experience, reinforcing SEGi’s commitment to practical, real-world education.

This initiative aligns with SEGi University’s broader mission to contribute positively to society while fostering an environment of learning and growth. By actively participating in community events, SEGi underscores its role as a leading institution dedicated to the well-being and development of its students and the wider community.

The collaborative effort with SK St. Rita and the Holy Trinity Covenant Community exemplifies SEGi’s dedication to building strong partnerships and promoting social responsibility. As noted by the United Nations, partnerships are vital for achieving the SDGs (UN, 2020). This event strengthened the bonds between the institutions involved and set a precedent for future collaborative efforts aimed at community development.

SEGi University thanks SK St. Rita and the Holy Trinity Covenant Community for their support and hospitality. The successful execution of the children’s camp highlights the power of collaboration and the shared commitment to fostering a healthier, more resilient community.

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