Leads the Way in Comprehensive Sexual Education for Young People

On 15 March 2023, the OrphanCare Foundation hosted an interactive workshop on reproductive health and sexual education in Auditorium A. The “I AM IN CONTROL” workshop aimed to educate and empower young people about their body rights, the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexual diseases, cyber danger, abstinence, and boundary respect. 

The event was organised in collaboration with the SEGi University’s Counselling & Student Experience Office and the Educational Psychology class (EDB3264). The workshop began with a flash mob performance of “Break the Chain,” a movement dance about violence against women, by the participants. 

Alice Lim, a Registered Counsellor, gave the opening speech, emphasising the importance of sexual education and self-awareness. Riza and her OrphanCare Foundation team then led an interactive workshop in which participants participated in activities and discussions about reproductive health, sexual education, and body rights. 

Sexual education, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is an important aspect of a person’s overall health and well-being. Nonetheless, many young people continue to lack access to comprehensive sexual education programmes that emphasise the importance of consent, safe sexual practises, and reproductive rights. 

According to Malaysia’s Ministry of Health, a lack of sexual education has resulted in a significant increase in teenage pregnancies in Malaysia, with an estimated 18,000 teenage girls becoming pregnant each year. Additionally, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common among young people, with Malaysia recording over 120,000 STI cases in 2022, according to the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN). 

The I AM IN CONTROL workshop aims to address these issues by educating and empowering young people to take control of their reproductive health and sexual education. Participants learn about boundaries, sexual harassment, rape, unwanted pregnancies, sexual diseases, cyber danger, and abstinence through interactive activities and discussions. 

Participants gave the workshop positive feedback, with many expressing gratitude for the knowledge and skills they gained. The organisers hope to continue the I AM IN CONTROL workshop in the future in order to educate more young people and contribute to the creation of a healthier and safer society for all. 

Finally, sexual education is critical for promoting a healthy and safe society. Workshops like I AM IN CONTROL can provide young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and sexual education. We can create a society that values and respects the rights and well-being of all individuals by continuing to raise awareness and educate people about sexual health. 

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