

由于马来西亚的新冠疫情依然严峻,中国山东省文化和旅游厅和马来西亚世纪大学孔子学院联合主办的 “孔子家乡·好客山东” 文化和旅游推介会于2021年2月8日和9日,以线上线下结合形式假吉隆坡隆重举行。 中...
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“Confucius’ Hometown Spring Festival

In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese New Year, or also known as the Spring Festival, is celebrated differently this year. The Confucius Institute at SEGi University together with...
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文化交流搭桥 千里共庆新春

中马两国青少年线上学习中国传统文化、写春联迎新年 2021年2月8日中午12:30至15:10,马来西亚育优托育园(育优园)的55名小学生和中国海南的17名小学生在世纪大学孔子学院和海南尚书馆的组织下...
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Online peer discussions

Students might have different opinions, but they do not know how to channel it. Hence, the Counselling Services had organized the peer discussions group which is a platform for students...
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Peer Counsellors 2020/21: role-play 2.0

As the Movement Control Order (MCO) been imposed by the Malaysian Government, the Peer Counsellors Group has shifted the role play session through Google Meet. The online role play sessions...
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Movement Control Order (MCO)

In adhering to the Government’s MCO announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on 11 January 2021, there are three (3) categories of MCO which are MCO (for Penang,...
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Extension of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)

Following the Government’s continuous effort to contain the spread of COVID-19, the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur has been extended to 14 January 2021. Students...
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Extension of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)

The Government has moved all states, with the exception to certain districts into the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO). However, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur remain under CMCO except for Kuala...
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Kemahiran yang Perlu Dimiliki Oleh Pakar Bedah

Pembedahan adalah skop kerjaya yang sangat mencabar dan kompleks. Ia merupakan salah satu pengkhususan yang penting dalam bidang perubatan. Profesion ini dianggap sebagai ‘life-saving profession’ kerana ia memberi pesakit peluang...
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Group chat series for Mental Wellbeing

Group counseling helps individuals develop communication skills and socialization skills, allows clients to learn how to express their issues and enable one to develop self-awareness by listening to others with...
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5 Tip Pemakaian Pendakap Gigi (braces) Baru

Memakai pendakap gigi buat pertama kali boleh menimbulkan kerunsingan dan perasaan kurang selesa. Bahagian muka, terutamanya mulut akan terasa sakit buat beberapa hari disebabkan kepingan logam kecil dan persegi yang...
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When Wisdom Teeth Aren’t so Wise

You can take care of your pearly whites and have the best set of teeth ever. However, what you can’t control is the growth of wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth...
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