Promoting sustainable development through education

SEGi University’s dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was evident in the Faculty of Dentistry’s recent events. On 20th April 2023, the faculty organised an internal research colloquium and A Skillful Raya competition for undergraduates in alignment with SDG 4 – Quality Education. 

The internal research colloquium showcased presentations from undergraduate students, with a panel of judges including Dr. Narendra Babu (Faculty of Pharmacy), Dr. Indira Madhavan (Faculty of Optometry), and Dr. Elise Monerasinghe (Faculty of Dentistry). These judges evaluated the presentations, while dental faculty members and undergraduates attended as audience members. 

The Skillful Raya competition involved various teams, each employing different dental materials to demonstrate their skills based on a chosen theme. The triumphant teams received certificates in recognition of their efforts. 


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