SEGi’s Vibrant Community Unites for ‘A Night in SEGi’: A Feast for Mind and Body 

SEGi University’s vibrant and caring community recently joined for an extraordinary event, “A Night in SEGi: Fueling Minds & Feasting Together.” This unique occasion, organised by the MBBS students, combined a delectable barbecue, engaging games, and a crucial mental health awareness workshop, positively impacting emotional well-being and mental health. 

Held at the SCKD Main Entrance and Lobby, the event aimed to foster community, promote good health and well-being, and forge lasting connections within the SEGi community. The organisers spared no effort in creating an unforgettable experience for all attendees. 

One of the highlights of the evening was the “Cooler Heads Collective” mental health awareness workshop, expertly led by Alice. This hands-on workshop equipped participants with essential emotional regulation skills that are invaluable in navigating the challenges of daily life. By providing practical tools and techniques for anger management, interactive activities, meaningful discussions, and real-life scenarios, the workshop empowered attendees to take control of their mental health. 

The importance of mental health awareness cannot be understated. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health disorders affect one in four people worldwide. By organising events like “A Night in SEGi”, the university demonstrates its commitment to addressing this pressing issue and equipping students with the necessary tools to maintain their well-being. 

SEGi University takes pride in its students’ proactive approach to mental health. By organising this event, they exemplify the university’s commitment to holistic education that goes beyond academics. 

Events like “A Night in SEGi” provide students an opportunity to come together and contribute to SEGi University’s reputation as a caring and inclusive institution. The university’s dedication to promoting mental health awareness aligns with its mission to nurture well-rounded individuals who can thrive in all aspects of life. 

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