Bright minds and exemplary students gathered together to receive their awards at the SEGi Scholarship Awards Ceremony. “I am extremely proud that this year, more than 100 students have received...Read More
SEGi University’s Centre for Pre-U Studies and the Counseling Services of Student Affairs had co-organized the Foundation Awards Ceremony for the foundation graduates at Auditorium A. The ceremony was held to...Read More
SEGi hits a milestone with the successful completion of the mega IR 4.0 Conference which was held on 14th to 16th October 2019! Check out the video to get a...Read More
The three-day mega international conference and exhibition on Industry 4.0 ended with a bang on 16 October 2019 with an inspiring closing remark by Ms. Hew Moi Lan, Executive Director/CEO...Read More
Date: 14th – 16th October 2019 Proud and Honoured. SEGi University hosted the International Conference on Industry 4.0 where our very own Prime Minister, YAB Tun Mahathir graced the Official...Read More
Date: 25 May 2019 Congratulations Associate Professor Dr. Rebecca Wong Shin Yee, on your outstanding achievements and on being named as one of the finalist recipients for the National Outstanding...Read More