
SEGi University Alumni Association get-together

On 26 February 2022, SEGi University Alumni Association hosted an evening soiree for the alumni of SEGi University at Hilton Petaling Jaya. With the attendance of about 30 alumni, it...
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2022年2月12日下午三点“中马大学生汉语辩论赛”赛前讲座在线上顺利举办。 本次讲座有幸邀请到马来西亚理工大学辩论队教练张志振老师作主讲嘉宾。张志振老师围绕辩论中的价值分歧与判断标准分享自己的宝贵经...
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Spring Festival couplets writing activity in conjunction with the Lantern Festival

In conjunction with the Lantern Festival, the Confucius Institute at SEGi University held the 2nd Online Spring Festival Couplets Writing by Chinese and Malaysian Youths cultural activity on 15 February...
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Dental student Jane Ong emerges as the champion of Youth Innovator Challenge 2021

SEGi University congratulates our Year 4 dental student Jane Ong Jia Huay for winning the Youth Innovator Challenge 2021 as champion with her “Pokit” innovation. The Youth Innovator Challenge (YIC)...
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The global COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted numerous unpleasant situations in the life of humankind and continued to dominate the way things are done daily. Although more than 70% of Malaysians...
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2022年2月15日中国传统节日元宵节,马来西亚世纪大学孔院成功举办第二届“中马青少年线上同写春联共庆新春”文化活动。 活动在马来西亚中小学生精彩才艺表演中拉开序幕,中华人民共和国驻马来西亚大使馆教育...
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SEGi hosts Inaugural Malaysia-China Intervarsity Chinese Debate Competition

SEGi University held an online opening ceremony for the inaugural Malaysia-China Intervarsity Chinese Debate Competition 2021/2022 today at its flagship campus in Kota Damansara. The debate competition is jointly organised...
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For the 2nd time listed as the World’s Top 2% scientists by Stanford University

Dr Rebecca Wong Shin Yee, Professor of Physiology and Head of Preclinical Sciences at SEGi University’s Faculty of Medicine, has been named among the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford...
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2021年12月2日上午10时,世纪大学孔子学院为首届“马中大学生汉语辩论赛”进行了线上开幕礼。 本届“马中大学生汉语辩论赛”旨在进一步加强马中两国青年文化交流,让马中友谊在两国青年耀眼的思想火花中得...
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For the 2nd time listed as The World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University

Dr Rebecca Wong Shin Yee, Professor of Physiology and Head of Preclinical Sciences at SEGi University’s Faculty of Medicine, has been named among the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford...
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SEGi University awarded the QS 5 Stars Plus for its Excellence and Diversity

In the QS World University Ranking 2022 published on 2 November 2021, SEGi University achieved the overall QS 5 Stars Plus status for attaining QS 5 Stars rating in eight...
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