SEGi Collaborates with SJK (T) Batu Arang for Artistic Transformation

On the 4th of November 2023, the grounds of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Batu Arang will witness a unique collaboration between SEGi FOBAL participants and the students of the Tamil primary school. Led by the creative minds of Mr. Ravidran and Mr. Gopal Perumal, this collaborative effort aims to go beyond the conventional boundaries of education, fostering community engagement through a collective mural painting project.

Fostering Collaboration through Art:

The primary objective of this initiative is to build bridges of collaboration between SEGi FOBAL participants and the young talents of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Batu Arang. By engaging in a collective mural painting project, students from both institutions will have the opportunity to work side by side, sharing ideas, creativity, and artistic skills.

The mural painting project serves as a canvas for cultural exchange, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity through art. SEGi FOBAL participants, bringing their unique perspectives, will collaborate with the students of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Batu Arang, creating a vibrant tapestry that reflects the diverse backgrounds and shared aspirations of the participants.

Promoting Environmental Consciousness:

Beyond the artistic endeavor, the mural project has a deeper purpose – to promote environmental consciousness and sustainability. The themes chosen for the murals will revolve around nature, conservation, and community responsibility. Each stroke of paint will carry a message, emphasizing the importance of preserving the environment and the collective responsibility we share in ensuring a sustainable future.

The mural project becomes a medium through which students can express their concerns and hopes for the environment. By incorporating themes of eco-awareness, the collaboration seeks to inspire not only the participants but also the broader community that interacts with the school environment.

A Transformative Journey:

This collaborative mural painting project goes beyond being a mere art activity; it represents a transformative journey for both SEGi FOBAL participants and the students of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Batu Arang. It is an opportunity for cultural exchange, skill development, and the cultivation of a sense of community and responsibility.

As the vibrant colors come together on the walls of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Batu Arang, they tell a story of collaboration, creativity, and a shared commitment to a sustainable future. This initiative exemplifies SEGi’s dedication to holistic education, where learning goes beyond textbooks and classrooms, creating an impact that resonates within the community.

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