Students Connect with Alzheimer’s at Atria ADFM Community Corner

In a heartwarming display of academic engagement and community outreach, students from the Diploma in Psychology programme at SEGI University , led by Ms Valarmatdi, embarked on a meaningful visit to the Atria Alzheimer Disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM) Community Corner in Petaling Jaya.

This initiative, undertaken as part of the COG4013 Cognitive Psychology subject, provided the students with a unique opportunity to observe and gain a deeper understanding of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer patients. By engaging in small group activities and close observation, they were able to witness firsthand the impact of this neurodegenerative disease on various cognitive processes.

Through a diverse range of activities, including art, singing and dancing, fishing, connecting dots, match and chat, and alphabet puzzles, the students fostered meaningful connections with the patients. These engaging interactions allowed them to observe several vital cognitive processes affected by Alzheimer’s, such as:

  • Visual imagery: Students noted how some patients struggled with tasks requiring spatial skills, like connecting dots or completing puzzles.
  • Problem solving: The difficulty some patients faced in reasoning through simple games or activities provided insights into the challenges they encounter with decision-making and logical thinking.
  • Language and comprehension: Communication barriers observed during conversations and activities highlighted the impact of Alzheimer’s on language processing and understanding.
  • Decision making and reasoning: Hesitation and difficulty in choosing between options during games or activities shed light on the decline in executive function often associated with the disease.

Beyond the academic value, this visit served as a valuable reminder of the human element behind the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Witnessing the patients’ resilience, joy, and capacity for connection despite their cognitive challenges left a lasting impression on the students. This firsthand experience undoubtedly enriched their understanding of cognitive psychology and its practical applications in supporting individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions.

The COG4013 Cognitive Psychology students’ visit to the ADFM Community Corner exemplifies the university’s commitment to fostering compassionate and engaged future mental health professionals. By bridging the gap between academic theory and real-world experience, such initiatives equip students with invaluable skills and empathy to serve diverse communities effectively.

Through these efforts by highlighting the importance of bridging the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge in psychology education, ultimately contributing to a more informed and empathetic generation of mental health professionals.

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