

Covid-19 – a name so new but with massive potential to wreak a worldwide crisis. The Covid-19 outbreak globally has been causing panic as it is affecting travels, trade and plain old human interaction. Different from the normal human coronavirus that causes the common cold, Covid-19 is unlike anything scientists have seen before and without...
Untuk memperoleh segulung ijazah dalam perubatan bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah. MBBS (Sarjana Muda Perubatan dan Sarjana Muda Pembedahan) adalah ijazah yang paling popular dan menjadikan pelajar layak digelar sebagai “doktor”. Namun, bagi mereka yang menggemarinya, bidang ini menyediakan pelbagai peluang kerjaya yang memuaskan. Tempoh pengajian dan program MBBS merupakan program ijazah sarjana muda dalam...
Sains Bioperubatan adalah antara bidang perubatan yang menarik. Anda akan mempelajari semua perkara tentang genetik dan tubuh manusia seperti bagaimana badan kita melawan penyakit ataupun cara-cara ubat berfungsi di dalam badan. Tetapi apa jenis pekerjaan yang boleh didapati dengan ijazah Sains Bioperubatan? Artikel ini akan membincangkan 5 Kerjaya Menarik yang memerlukan kemahiran dan pengetahuan sains...
SEGi was privileged to co-organise the BRTMA – Malaysia International Congress on Tropical Medicine (BMICTM) at Sibu, Sarawak from 13th to 15th November 2019. The international congress was a joint effort by the Belt and Road Tropical Medicine Alliance (BRTMA) and SEGi University. ​  The conference provided a platform for professionals to share updates and...
Every one of us has at least seen a doctor and got a health screening or test for at least once in our lifetime. Aside from the doctor, have you ever notice or wonder what happens behind the laboratory door and who was responsible for assisting your doctor in diagnosing your health condition? Besides the...
Multi-award winning Associate Professor Dr. Rebecca Wong Shin Yee did it again! This time, Dr. Wong represented the university at the 6th International Impactful Awards (MIA), where she won the ‘Malaysia Most Impactful Young Educator’ Award 2019. Associate Professor Dr. Rebecca Wong Shin, Head of Medical Education and Head of Curriculum at the Faculty of...
We have all heard of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure being branded as the classic lifestyle disorders but the technology-driven age has not only upped the statistics on these diseases but also introduced a host of new problems stemming from the choices we make today. Food habits and the environment aside, we are faced...
Biomedical Science is a field with immense opportunity. According to Professor Dr. Samiah Yasmin, Dean of Medicine, SEGi University, the scope of Biomedical Science is open ended and does not follow a typical traditional course. It’s scope consists of everything that people study in medicine – microbiology, physiology, anatomy and much more. Students also learn...
When you complete your MBBS and housemanship, the natural question that will come to your mind is what’s next? You can take up employment or set up a general practice and start off your career. However, most experienced doctors will suggest you move into specialisation and establish yourself as a specialist. But what should you...
Do you dream of becoming a doctor? We’re proud of you. However, completing a medical degree is not easy. You need to prepare yourself emotionally and academically to go through the rigorous 5-years. A medical degree is like no other degree. Keeping your focus and learning up a certain level for 5 long years is...
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