

SEGi News (Main SEGi University & Colleges News)

There is a Chinese proverb that says – “It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions, but hard to get one single remedy.” The same can be said about being a pharmacist. There are numerous medicines available for every single health symptom, but which is the right medicine that is effective and safe for you?...
Financial planning is all about stability and sustainability. Whether we are looking at long or short-term business investment, individual retirement plan, educations fund or asset management, financial planning and management play a major role in determining the needs, goals and outcome of a plan. The need for qualified financial professionals in Malaysia is no longer...
As our world becomes more seamless and connected, security becomes a cause for concern, especially to those who have adopted a digitalised lifestyle. Today, most of our personal data are hosted on the cloud, and unless we have chosen to go off the grid, we remain vulnerable to cybercrimes or attacks that can affect our...
Date: 24th July 2019 A night of culture, performances, joy and unity: UMOJA night presented by SISS on 24th July 2019 – a night of appreciation of the culture of Africa.      
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” – Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. As the world is moving towards the fourth industrial revolution, it is without a doubt...
The absence of teeth can affect our lives in myriad ways – from eating habits to the way we talk. It is a common belief that as we grow older we will slowly lose all our teeth. Our childhoods are peppered with fairy tales featuring older people who are toothless or at least lack a...
Are you considering a Dentistry degree but wondering what’s next? Education should never stop, especially when you are in the medical line. We encourage Dentistry students to pursue higher education after graduation. Here we look at specialisations in the dentistry world that graduates should consider! Oral Surgeon/Maxillofacial Surgeon You can train to be an oral...
Mass Communication is a field where it allows you to discover your skills and spread your wings to embrace creativity. A mass communication graduate has the power to impact society through the impeccable knowledge gained. Here, at SEGi, we have diligently listed a few cool careers that you can delve into with our Mass Communication...
The ongoing Industrial Revolution 4.0 has an impact on the discipline of architecture. as well. From changes in employment and definition of skills and work strategies to construction management and green energy production, everything is being redefined with the Industrial Revolution 4.0. There have been severe innovations in the field such as Rapid Prototyping, Augmented...
“Teachers affect eternity, no one can tell where their influence stops” – Henry Brooks Adams, US Historian  Teachers mould lives; they dedicate their efforts to shaping the individual futures of their students. History is evidence of the ways in which teachers have dedicated their careers to change the world. In this article, we acknowledge the...
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