In the bustling heart of SEGi University, amidst the chatter of students and the scent of freshly baked goods, a group of passionate souls from the Official Foundation Friends Club (OFFC) embarked on a mission that would touch hearts, create connections, and illuminate the spirit of giving. Their story, a testament to unity, dedication, and...
In the elegant halls of The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur, an extraordinary gathering unfolded on International Women’s Day 2023, weaving together the tales of resilience, determination, and sheer empowerment. Around the table were not just individuals but symbols of strength, courage, and accomplishment. Six remarkable PhD students from China, all hailing from the esteemed Faculty of...
In the heart of Malaysia’s bustling manufacturing sector, where the hum of machinery blends with the pulse of economic growth, a revolutionary research project has been undertaken. Driven by the urgent need to combat high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with mechanical cooling systems, this research delves deep into the realm of natural...
In the vast landscape of human knowledge, research plays a pivotal role in charting unexplored territories and dispelling ambiguity. It embodies a systematic and scientific quest for fresh insights, transcending the boundaries of specific fields. Within the realm of education, research is not merely an academic exercise; it is a transformative force that shapes the...
In the vibrant halls of academia, where knowledge knows no bounds, SEGi University’s Faculty of Education embarked on a transformative journey., with the mission of weaving a global tapestry of education, uniting scholars from diverse corners of the world. Amidst this venture, their focus honed in on nurturing the academic growth of their esteemed PhD...
In a remarkable achievement for the Malaysian music scene, the nation proudly hosted the live Malaysia Preliminary Round of the Orbifold Global Music Competition, defying the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This event was one of the first live music competitions in a year that had seen performances move predominantly to virtual platforms due...
In May 2023, the Center for Flexible Learning (CFL) at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Pulau Pinang hosted the prestigious International Teaching & Learning Invention Innovation Competition (iTaLIIC 2023). Under the theme “Emerging Technologies towards Digital Education,” this event provided an invaluable platform for students, educators, and professionals to showcase their innovations in teaching and learning...
The Human Settlement, Heritage & Conservation Committee of Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) recently hosted the PAM Merdeka Weekend Programme from the 19th to the 21st of August 2023 in honor of Malaysian Independence Day. Among the various engaging activities held during the weekend, the PAM Merdeka Sketch Competition stood out as a creative highlight. Held...
SEGi University proudly congratulates three outstanding students, Beh Ming Hong, Chung Zuo Ming, and Chia Xin En, for their remarkable achievement of winning the 2nd place at the IMU Case-Based Learning (InterVarsity) Challenge. This competition, hosted by the Department of Human Biology, School of Medicine, in collaboration with IMU SRC, is designed to enhance collaborative...
SEGi University students made a remarkable impact at the Engineering, Science & Technology Exhibition 2023 (ESTE’23), hosted by MAHSA University on 16 August 2023. Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, SEGi students showcased their dedication to advancing sustainable innovations and impactful engineering solutions that contribute...