July 2019


Oral Health has come a long way since the post-colonial era in Malaysia. Almost every year, we hear or read about new advancements or technological interceptions that raise the bar and provide better solutions for oral health care. Many new advancements have taken place in Malaysia over the past few years. Last year alone, the...
Since the past few years, everybody is talking about the ongoing industrial revolution 4.0. It has not only transform industries and businesses, but also changed higher education systems worldwide, as its impact changes needs of students, expectations of society, skills requirements of employers, and rapidly drive technology to evolve. Economists observes that a culture of...
Postgraduate education has become more of a necessity as the global workplace becomes more competitive and complex. Ten or perhaps 20 years ago, undergraduate qualification was the basis for hiring. Certain fields even accepted diplomas and certificates but it is common to see graduates with degrees and double degrees entering the job market today. While...
深造,是为了提升人类的才能、文化和涵养;读研,则是让升学者可专研某种领域的知识,以成为该领域的专业人士。 在这个充满竞争的社会,单有工作经验或高学历已不再是一种优势,随着社会人士和毕业生投入职场以后,...
Date: 30th June 2019 What went down during our Fun Run 2019 on 30th June 2019! They came, they ran, they conquered – all throughout 7km! Well done runners! Feel free to tag yourselves or download for safe-keeping.    
Featured, The Star Newspaper, 11th July 2019:   Faculty of Education’s Dr. Lydia Foong on the importance of Early Childhood education as well as study on the status of private sector early childhood workforce in Malaysia and their readiness for further training.   Thank you, Dr. Lydia for your dedication and passion towards the industry....
Pentadbiran perniagaan merupakan salah satu bidang peluang pekerjaan yang paling popular ditawarkan dalam kalangan majikan di Malaysia. Bidang ini juga turut mempunyai pelbagai cabang antaranya adalah pemasaran, kewangan, operasi, sumber manusia dan bidang lain di organisasi tempatan serta antarabangsa di setiap industri. Di samping itu, bidang pengajian pengurusan perniagaan amat penting dalam menjadi dan melahirkan...
Seni kulinari yang memberi tumpuan kepada kemahiran dan kesenian dalam memasak makanan pada masa kini semakin mendapat perhatian ramai, serta industri ini juga turut berkembang pesat berikutan industri pelancongan, perhotelan dan restoran-restoran di Malaysia yang semakin meningkat. Justeru, industri ini menjadikan kerjaya sebagai cef atau tukang masak profesional bukan sebuah kerjaya yang mudah serta sangat...

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