

In a world where societal pressures often silence the cries for help, the SPSA, MyPSA, and MOH joined forces to initiate a transformative public health campaign, “Hold on to Hope.” By addressing the pervasive stigma surrounding self-harm, this campaign sought to not only raise awareness about suicide prevention but also create an inclusive environment where...
A Basic Counselling Skills training programme was recently conducted for The Peer Counsellors Group at a local university to support mental health and wellbeing among students. The chosen students are in charge of providing support and outreach to their peers who may be experiencing emotional distress. The programme’s motto is “Listen More, Judge Less,” and...
On 15 March 2023, the OrphanCare Foundation hosted an interactive workshop on reproductive health and sexual education in Auditorium A. The “I AM IN CONTROL” workshop aimed to educate and empower young people about their body rights, the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexual diseases, cyber danger, abstinence, and boundary respect.  The event was organised...
Dr Priscilla Das of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences has triggered a wave of pride among SEGians bagging the Best Presenter Award at the International Conference on Psychology. The event which took place at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor on 4th and 5th December last year, saw Dr Priscilla presented on the topic...
Check out the news as our lecturer, Prof. Datin Dr Mariani from SEGi University, shares her thought and views of how not being able to travel back home will affect students’ mental health. The clip was shared and aired over Astro Awani on 8 May 2021. Click the video to watch.
“We Are Our Own Worst Critic – a phrase that we often use for ourselves when we put beyond high expectation on ourselves. However, by taking in too much of criticism from cyberbullying and even body shaming, could result in severe mental health consequences. The Counseling Services of Student Affairs and the Chalkzone Academia had...
LGBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. This sexual orientation disorder which was previously faced by Western society, are now faced in our society. We might know what LGBT is but, how about the challenges faced by this community. Are we aware of that? An intellectual online discourse which entitled,...
The peer counsellors are a group of SEGi University students that has been trained with basic counselling skills in order to befriend, reach out and provide emotional support to the SEGi students. Established since year 2017, the team have made a lot of contributions directly and indirectly through the numerous events and activities that had...
There is an average of five rape cases reported in Malaysia on a daily basis. The problem lies not in the hands of an individual or a few misogynistic men but in society as a whole. It lies in the mind-set of the people and every one of us taking part in rape culture by...
In conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Campaign, the Peer Counselors team under the Counseling Services of Student Affairs SEGi University had organized a Telematch games on 11th October 2019. A telematch was held on the last day of the campaign which participated by 31 students, represented by 7 clubs and societies that registered under Student...
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